
YHA Brisbane City
Nestled in Brisbane's traveller precinct and within walking distance of Suncorp Stadium, this buzzing, diverse inner-city YHA boasts a rooftop pool and bar.
YHA Cairns Central
Centrally located in Cairns, this relaxed YHA offers a warm community feel, great outdoor living spaces and lush tropical surrounds.
YHA Coolangatta (Gold Coast)
Barely a stone's throw from the airport, this charming, beach-adjacent YHA is an excellent choice for surf-lovers visiting Queensland's Gold Coast.
YHA Hervey Bay
This multi-award winning hostel in the seaside town of Hervey Bay is conveniently located within an easy walk of nearby beaches.
YHA Stradbroke Island | Manta Lodge & Scuba Centre
YHA Stradbroke Island is a hostel and scuba dive centre providing beachfront traveller accommodation with a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
YHA Noosa Everglades | Kangarooms
YHA Noosa Everglades | Kangarooms is 25 minutes north of Noosa's beaches and shopping precinct and uniquely located in the Cooloola National Park, between two Biospheres and is the gateway to Australia’s only Everglades.
Rockhampton Backpackers
Rockhampton Backpackers is located a short walk from the Fitzroy River & CBD. It offers co-living & double/twin rooms (some with ensuites).
DetailsTop things to do in QLD
- ホステルからすぐそばのブリスベン現代美術館を見学
- ケアンズのエスペラネード(Esplanade)沿いで無料のヨガ、ピラティス、フィットネスクラスに参加
- ヌーサの国立公園でコアラを発見
- クーランガッタ(Coolangatta)で世界でも有数の波を満喫
- ゴールド・コースト・ヒンターランド(Gold Coast hinterland)で、滝を目指してブッシュウォーク
- ブリスベン郊外のビーチで日光浴やサウス・バンク(South Bank)のマーケットを探索
- ハービー・ベイ(Hervey Bay)近くのフレーザー島(Fraser Island)の淡水湖でスイミング
- ウィットサンデー諸島(Whitsunday Islands)の人並み離れたビーチを探索
- 北のクックタウン(Cooktown)でアボリジニや植民地時代の歴史を体験
- 北ストラドブローク島(North Stradbroke Island)で渓谷ウォークをしながら、イルカやマンタを目撃